Whatever happened to the cast of "Revenge of the Nerds"?

The most famous Tri-Lam alum is Anthony "Gilbert" Edwards. Ol' Gil went on to wield a mean scalpel in the ER. Who says a receding hairline is an automatic death sentence in Hollywood? Gilbert's right-hand man was Louis Skolnick, brought to glorious life by Robert Carradine. Once the star of rowdy comedies, Carradine has
since toned down his trademark laugh in Lizzie McGuire.
Timothy Busfield was the Tri-Lams' lady-killing violinist, Poindexter. Fans of feel-good political dramas might recognize him from The West Wing.
Brian Tochi played Takashi. According to IMDb, he's done a lot of voice work in cartoons and videogames. Oh, and he was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle too.
Andrew Cassese (Harold Wormser) is a graduate of NYU film school. His official site states that he's worked on Broadway and has appeared in Law and Order: Criminal Intent.
Larry B. Scott played the effeminate Lamar Latrell. Like several of his fellow nerds, he's keeping busy with voice work and independent films.
Last but not least, there's Curtis "Booger" Armstrong -- the heart and soul of the Tri-Lams. His list of credits stretches from TV work in Felicity to a rather large role opposite Jamie Foxx in Ray. Bravo, Booger, bravo!

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